Another candidates forum this evening, this one put on by the Lakeview Community Association.
The event kicked off with a forum between the Ward Two candidates and that was followed up by one involving all nine of the mayoral candidates. With so many people needing a chance to speak, things were very rushed. Opening statements were only three minutes and responses to questions were supposed to be even shorter. I can’t help but feel that with such a crowded field the whole forum format is starting to break down.
Again, I’m going to avoid commenting on the forum (mainly because it’s late and I want to go to bed). But I did manage to do more post-show interviews so you can hear what other people thought.
Unfortunately, it was a cold night and everyone was hightailing it home so I only managed to get three interviews in before I found myself all alone.* In the cold. Outside Lakeview Community School. With nothing but a dumb bike for transportation.
Download audience reactions from the Lakeview Community Association candidates’ forum. (2.5MB mp3)
* Actually, that’s a lie. There were a few other stragglers hanging around. One of whom turned out to be Adam, who I interviewed after the Make Your Voice Heard forum. But I totally didn’t recognize him because I’m dumb like that. And it was dark.