Is it time to Occupy the Library? (I’m sorry. I’m getting tired of the Occupied Cliché too)
The wonderful beautiful employees of the Regina Public Library, members of CUPE 1594 have created their own blog to promote awareness of their own struggles against The Library Board.
I’m going to unashamedly cut and paste this directly from their site:
The RPL Board’s Proposals
The Library Board wants to remove the “permanent” status from many part-time employees. Even though some of these employees have more than 25 years of service, the Library Board wants to change their status to spare board (casual) employees. As casual employees, they only would be considered for lateral vacancies or promotions if permanent employees did not qualify.
Our Library Board is proposing that part-time members shall be scheduled on an as need basis or call in basis without a guarantee of hours.
Our Library Board is proposing that our members work for lower wages on Sunday than we are currently paid.
Our Library Board is proposing that over 40 per cent of our part-time members, some who have worked for the library for more than 20 years should no longer receive the Dental Benefits they have always received, or the health care benefits they currently receive.
Our Library Board is proposing that they establish new jobs or re-classify jobs in a way that is contrary to the legal agreement currently in place – an agreement members went on strike to achieve nearly 10 years ago.
I haven’t had a chance to talk to anyone yet from either side because I’ve only just found the site but I’ll get to that later on this week. In the meantime, go to their site and see how you can lend your support: Check Us Out