1 GOOD TIMES IN SASKATCHEWAN We’ve got a body in a torched car in Prince Albert, teens tossing Molotovs in Saskatoon and an apartment fire in Regina.

2 CANCER WORKERS FEELING STRIKEY? Unionized Saskatchewan Cancer Agency employees in Regina and Saskatoon will vote on giving their union, the Saskatchewan Government and General Employees Union, a strike mandate this week. The workers include nurses, radiation therapists, researchers, pharmacists and support staff. SGEU’s Bob Bymoen told the Leader-Post that most workers would not actually be able to strike because of Saskatchewan’s essential services legislation — which could lead to a bigger settlement in the end.

3 AROUND THE WORLD Egypt’s deposed president will be tried for murder, Danish soldiers guard Arctic oil platforms,  ex-IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s, er, DNA is allegedly on the shirt of the maid he allegedly attacked, Grimvotn’s mighty wrath is felt by travellers and Christina Hendricks talks about her fantastic breasts.

4 NO CONSPIRACY HERE The head of the Toronto Police Association says officers are not covering-up for the cop who attacked a guy and broke his shoulder at the G20 conference.

5 TORNADO DEATH TOLL AT 118 The twister the wrecked Joplin, Missouri is America’s worst in 60 years. I wonder how many Missouri voters are Ron “FEMA is immoral” Paul supporters.

6 SULK IF YOU LOVE ME A study suggests that smiling men and proud women are unattractive. I am skeptical about the smiling part of the equation. As for proud, well, it’s not an attractive quality in anyone.

RUMOURS OF MY SALVATION HAVE BEEN GREAT EXAGGERATED Don’t know if you were reading Dog Blog this weekend but if you were you might have read Beatty’s post on my alleged departure to higher realms. Not to worry. Like Harold Camping and his delusional followers I’m still traipsing around planet Earth. The Rapture didn’t come, as many Twitter wits pointed out. Want to read about the adventures of mentally ill people and magic things that didn’t happen? There’s more here and here, and P.Z. Meyers bestows a new orifice upon religion here.

Finally, we must have a video that reminds us that there are some obnoxious people of faith that  the world would flat-off be better off without: