amanda CachiaThe MacKenzie Art Gallery holds these events periodically. Typically, they involve a guest speaker discussing some aspect of contemporary art practice. There’s one tonight, in fact, that features Amanda Cachia (pictured).

Cachia was in Regina for a short time around 2010, when she served as director/curator of the Dunlop Art Gallery. Born in Australia, she’s studied in Europe and the United States. Currently, she lives in San Diego, where she’s carving out quite a career for herself as a curator with a special focus on artists and work that address themes of disability.

Cachia has dwarfism in her background, and her status as a little person does help inform her curatorial projects. The title of her talk tonight is: Curating Disability and Access: Ethics, Pragmatics, Effects. The talk will be held tonight at the MacKenzie at 5:30 p.m., and admission is free.