Dog Blog commentators have probably noticed the big blue “G” logos besides their names. Those thingies aren’t decorative; they’re placeholders for Gravatars. What’s a Gravatar? You know how you have a profile picture on your Facebook page? Same sorta idea!
To get a Gravatar, go to, upload the photo or illustration you’d like to represent you (the rules of good taste apply), and link it to the e-mail you use to comment. If you link it to a unique e-mail, your Gravatar will only appear on Dog Blog. If you link it to an e-mail you use for commenting on other sites, for instance Yahoo hockey pools, your Gravatar will appear on multiple sites. Either way, you have control over where your image goes.
Another bonus of this: we’ll all know at a glance that you’re really you.
Over the next week, all of Prairie Dog’s regular bloggers will get Gravatars (or I will murder them!). Me, Dechene, John Cameron and I think a few others already have ’em. Dog Blog readers can join in the fun! Or not! But I wanted to alert you all that we’ve made fun available. Because that’s what we do here.