(Vancouver Bureau) Because, well, if we are going to go, we’re going to need something a little stronger than REM and Blondie. Here are ten songs no End of the World would be complete without.
#1. Bill Callahan’s new album is as great and wonderful as all of his other albums, maybe even a little more so. It’s called Apocalypse.
#2. Okay, not creepy and menacing enough for you? How about a little something from the Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation? Here’s “Succubus”, their live improv jam scoring the 1969 exploitation flick of the same name, to which the racy visuals belong.
#3. Okay, okay, enough with that timid business! You want something that actually sounds like the end of the world?
#4. When I was a young man in high school, this was pretty much what we figured the world was gonna look like by the year 2000: one long, searingly pissed off Apocalypse after another.
#5. Okay, so here’s the Rapture, how do I qualify?
#6. Albertans sure love their fire & brimstone.
#7. I don’t know what this has to do with the Apocalypse, but it’s pretty rad and has a big sound.
#8. (Pop!)
#9. This one starts with some French lyrics, so you know they’re correct!
#10. If your End of the World mixtape doesn’t have any Dickies, I don’t want any part of your Rapture.