Engage people with an online quiz contest

Have our core audience answer fun multiple-choice questions for a chance to win a prize. Every participant is entered to win. Promoted across digital, print and social avenues for multiple exposures of your brand.

You supply:

  • A contest prize with a retail value of $750–$1,000.

You get:

  • a custom-built web-based quiz, themed to your business, with tailor-made questions and graphics, hosted by us for 7 days. Quiz topics can relate to seasonal interests to boost participation or promote specific products and services.
  • the ability to share it on social media. Quiz-takers can also share their results on social media to snag their friends’ and family’s attention.
  • a web ad on the Prairie Dog website, linking to the contest for the 7 days of its run.
  • your business will be tagged in two posts on Prairie Dog’s social media platforms (Facebook and Twitter with 12,000 combined followers).
  • after the contest closes, we will send you new email leads (collected with consent via the quiz), for use in your own promotions.

Here is a sample quiz.

All this for only $399

This package is valued at $1,500

Interested in this unique offer?

Please fill out the following form and we will contact you shortly.