Obituary | Terry Morash

On Sunday, Feb. 18 we were shocked and heartbroken to learn our dear friend and former Planet S manager and co-owner Heath Muggli Mulligan passed away from cancer at the way-too-early age of 57.
Heath was the first person hired at Planet S in 2002. We knew within moments of meeting him that he was “the guy” we needed. It was an instant connection for all of us, and one that grew over our many years together.
Heath went on to become a trusted business partner and sales manager of Planet S. The energy he brought to the office every day was electric, sometimes distractingly so. Boy, could he talk!
We nicknamed him the “King of Kensington”, because like the lead character from the hit ’70s CBC sitcom Heath seemed to know everybody and everybody knew him. We literally couldn’t walk the streets of Saskatoon with him without numerous people stopping to chat and often, to laugh. Anywhere, every time. I don’t think we ever made it to a lunch appointment on time.
A prolific, often potty-mouthed storyteller and prankster, I’m sure most of you who knew Heath would agree that you probably never laughed as hard with anyone else as you did with him. His introverted colleagues were jealous of the ease with which his outsized, extroverted personality could connect with so many people.
Heath was larger than life, charismatic, generous and huge-hearted guy who was absolutely dedicated to his children and the love of his life, Lori.
It’s hard to believe he’s gone.
A GoFundMe account has been set up to honour Heath’s memory and help his family at this time.