October 21, 2021
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What Just Happened?
News | Stephen Whitworth
Where to even begin with all this crap

Apples To Auschwitz
Opinion | Michael Trussler
Anti-vaxxers’ ignorant victimhood flirts with Holocaust denial

Will Xi Jinping Invade Taiwan?
World | Gwynne Dyer
All the artillery in China can’t defeat geography

Dot Con
Science Matters | David Suzuki
The CBD gummy scam shows media literacy matters in the Internet age

Life Finds A Way
Science | Gregory Beatty
Deep sea vents spawn weird, wonderful and unique fauna

What Fresh Hell Is This?
Film | Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Exorcised out? Can’t watch Poltergeist or The Shining again? Here are four new fear flicks
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Toxic Masculinity In A Medieval World
Film | Jorge Ignacio Castillo
A multinational crew skewers Christian fundamentalism using charcuterie

Cracks, Crevices and Cats
Film | Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Benedict Cumberbatch plays a troubled genius: again!

Movies | Shane Hnetka
Zero Days of Horror

Sweet Succession
Television Man | Aidan Morgan
Episode 36

My Music
Music | Anna Bekolay
Verdi, Abba, Loreena and more

Single Panel Comic
Comics | Pat McKelvie
Trick or Treat
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