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Cracked Worldview

Rejecting climate change’s reality shows many conservatives have lost touch with reality

City Hall
Punted From Vic Park

John, John, John he’s been John so long, now it’s high time he was gone

Worse Than Aviation

The problem isn’t clogged canals. It’s shipping’s carbon footprint

Science Matters
Climate Action Wins

The Supreme Court’s decision gives Canada power to help fight dangerous global heating

Plague on the Job

As Covid-19 finds an awful new gear, Saskatchewan workers worry about the months ahead

by Shane “Where Have You Been All My Lockdown” Hnetka

Film Interview
Elevation Pictures Lives Up To Its Name
Agility has been key to surviving the pandemic, says Canadian film producer Noah Segal

Film Review
The Road Less Travelled
Nomadland took a long time to arrive, but it’s worth the wait

Film Review
Horror Hits The Spot
A married couple’s Airbnb getaway takes a toxic turn in Held

Television Man
Episode 30: Compare and Contrast