City Hall Less Action, More Talk Regina stalls on climate change with a surprise conference announcement | by Paul Dechene

Feature No Money? No Justice. Read this story if you can’t afford a lawyer | by Gregory Beatty

World Bug-Eyed Monsters What menace might lurk in the dark forest of space? | by Gwynne Dyer

Science Matters Change Or Die It’s our choice: turn down the heat or cook the planet | by David Suzuki

IndigNation Growing Up In A Literary Wilderness | by Bev Cardinal

Television Man Episode 9: Legion And Leather | by Aidan Morgan

Film Revenge of the Beta Males Jesse Eisenberg takes on toxic masculinity with deadpan wit and jump kicks | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo

Film Review Good Boys Unsupervised 12-year-olds learn stuff the hard way in Good Boys | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo

Film Review The Souvenir A good tagline for this film would be “DTMFA” | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo

Film Hnetflix | by Shane Hnetka

My Music with ygretz

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