City Hall Far From Uber It Ride share services get huge breaks while taxis follow the rules | by Paul Dechene
Editorial The Hero We Need Captain Marvel won’t fix a misogynistic world but it’s a step in the right direction | by Stephen Whitworth
News Bring Back The Cameras Saskatchewan can’t afford to turn its nose up at movie millions | by Gregory Beatty
World Fake Emergency The president who promised a wall tosses his supporters some bricks | by Gwynne Dyer
Science Matters Bugageddon Maybe you love insects, maybe you don’t. Either way, you need them | by David Suzuki
Rider Fan Forum Shake-up Has Pundits Worried With training camp only three months away, a lot of questions surround the Riders | by Gregory Beatty
Film Review How I Replaced Your Mother Empty-nest syndrome meets Fatal Attraction in the ludicrous Greta | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Film Review Ties That Bind Canada’s racial tensions feed this family melodrama | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Film Review Wrestling With Confidence Florence Pugh steps into the ring as WWE star in comic biopic | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Music My Music with Alexa Saleski & Katelyn Sirman