City Hall Stealing The Spotlight The provincial government has invaded my City Hall column and I don’t like it | by Paul Dechene
World The Great Dying, The Little Ice Age, And Us How Columbus’ plagues sparked forest regrowth and global cooling | by Gwynne Dyer
Science Matters Winter And Warming Winter doesn’t disprove climate change or Trump’s “global waming” | by David Suzuki
Music Belle Plaine, By Any Name Melanie Berglund is finally doing what she wants and we’d best appreciate it | by Stephen Whitworth
Music My Music with Scott Wolbaum
Art Searching For Mother Artists examine relationships between caregivers and the cared-for | by Gregory Beatty
Film Mads Mikkelsen Netflix, art-house and the multiplex: the great Dane is everywhere | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Film Review Exit the Dragon The high-flying but understated franchise stays true to itself to the end | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Film Review Family Of Thieves The Oscar-nominated Shoplifters is coming for your head and heart | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Film Review An Artist Unloved Julian Schnabel’s van Gogh biopic is the most insightful yet | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Typo Wiener: Trevor Doroshenko