Shane Grassing
I always feel better about the typos I personally add to a poor writer’s story. It makes me feel like I’m in control of my own destiny — if I could just work a little harder, maybe I wouldn’t be such a moron!
It’s not true, obviously. I’ll always make mistakes. I’m a doomed dummy. We all are. That’s just life, and it’s better to embrace our collective stupidity than hide behind pride.
Anyway. Shane Grassing spotted a typo in last issue’s interview with Other Side Of The Wind star Bob Random. I added the line “Sound familar?” to the end of one of Jorge Castillo’s paragraphs. Nice try Steve, but the word is “familiar”, with two “i”s. I have no doubt spell-check tried to alert me but I wasn’t paying attention. It’s a familiar story around here.
Shane, a husband and dad who fixes things as a trunking and switching technician at SaskTel, wins a coveted Typo Wiener t-shirt and a copy of Angela Long’s travelogue Every Day We Disappear from contest sponsor Radiant Press. You can learn more about this cool book, and many others, at Congratulations Shane! Don’t forget to remind me about your Best Of Regina idea next August. /SW
WIN A T-SHIRT AND A COOL BOOK FROM RADIANT PRESS! Spot a typo in this issue and e-mail the details to (write TYPO in the subject field). Please include the page it was on and the article and sentence it was in. Typos include misspelled words (including names), garbled grammar and general gibberish. Factual errors don’t count but formatting mistakes do. To be eligible, typos must be in editorial content such as articles, listings, headlines and photo cutlines. Next deadline is Tuesday, Dec. 11 . The Wiener (who will be notified by e-mail) must be available to come to our office on the Scarth Street pedestrian mall Friday, Dec. 14 to collect their prize and pose for a picture. Maybe bring a flashlight — sometimes we have day-long power outages around here.