Queen City Confidential | Anonymous

It could be fun to write something trashing sketchy jerks at clubs and pubs but those idiots would love the attention so I won’t. Instead, here’s a shout-out to the bartenders, servers and other staff who regularly handle the booze-enhanced clowns, freaks, thugs and creeps out to ruin everyone’s night. You guys keep beer nights safe and fun for the rest of us. Thanks! Your efforts are noticed and appreciated.

HOIST A PINT Queen City Confidential is an open forum for Prairie Dog readers to anonymously share petty rants, workplace gripes, romantic woes and complaints about friends and family. You can also embarrass local heroes with praise and love. E-mail your submission to confidential@prairiedogmag.com (type CONFIDENTIAL in the subject field). Change everyone’s names and identifying details. Submissions must be 100–200 words and are not allowed behind the bar. Yeah, we see you sneaking around. Back away from the bottles, buddy.