Queen City Confidential | by Anonymous
Facebook users — your busy day, fat thumbs, narrow keyboards and small phone screens are NOT an excuse for your atrocious and way too frequent typos. PLEASE proofread your comments before hitting “post”. And if you find you’ve made a mistake after you posted your comment? PLEASE don’t post another one. Just go back and edit your original post — yes, you can edit a post a million times if you need to. Learn how. It’s easy! Or just quit posting, for the sake of my sanity. And, guess what? We don’t want or need to see every damn photo you took on your annual Vegas vacation or at little Johnny’s birthday party. Blurry photos or repeats of the same scene but from five different angles are just so unnecessary. STOP IT. Instead of posting 83 photos, maybe cull it down to a dozen of the best.
Proofread and edit your posts and dial back the million photos. Really, it would make the last vestiges of Facebook’s value so much easier to tolerate. You’re a good friend and I love you which is why I haven’t unfriended or unfollowed you (yet), but you sure suck at Facebook. Smarten up!
EVERYONE IS GONNA THINK THIS IS ABOUT THEM Queen City Confidential is an open forum for Prairie Dog readers to anonymously share their petty rants, workplace gripes, romantic woes and complaints about friends and family. You can also embarrass local heroes with praise and love. E-mail submissions to confidential@prairiedogmag.com (type CONFIDENTIAL in the subject field). Change everyone’s names and identifying details. Submissions must be 100–200 words and carefully proofread. No fat thumbs.