October’s council meeting was a comparatively quick affair. The one big controversial item on the agenda attracted only two delegations — they disagreed with each other but were completely civil about it.
The nerve! How am I supposed to write dramatic histrionics about city hall if everybody is playing nice and trying to reach reasonable compromise?
Think of what you’re doing to journalism, people!
Anyway, if you’re interested in getting a blow by blow of all the action, my live tweeting is collected below.
But if you just want the key bullet points here they are:
- Regina Police asked for an eight year extension on their employee parking lot zoning. Heritage Community Association said the surface parking was a bother and eight years more if is too much. Council knocked the eight year extension down to five.
- Council still hopes to sell its wastewater to Western Potash Corp. But WPC’s mine is still in limbo. The two struck a deal that allows the city to sell wastewater to other interested parties while still giving WPC access down the road.
- The city’s reserves are still looking good. Though, the General Fund Reserve is heading toward zero. Plans are in the works to fix that.
- The city named the Rochdale Blvd skate park after late councillor Terry Hincks.
And that’s it for this month. If you want to follow the action live in November but don’t want to attend the meeting or watch it on TV, consider following my live-tweetery account @PDCityHall.