Comic Murray Geister | by Dakota McFadzean
Province In Brad Wall’s Words A recap of our premier’s statements on SaskTel privatization | by Evan Radford
News What Just Happened News And Horror from the last two weeks | by Stephen Whitworth
American Underpants Broken Brains For a minute there, things seemed almost normal. Ha ha, nope | by Anna Minard
World Who Does ISIS Want? Trump or Clinton? Guess which one a terrorist would vote for | by Gwynne Dyer
Science Matters A Brilliant Idea Solar: renewable energy that doesn’t wreck our climate | by David Suzuki
Science The Thinking Ape Chimpanzees have brains. Do they have minds? We don’t know. Yet | by Greg Beatty
Pints Terrific Taverns We all define perfection in our own way. Here’s my pub style| by Jason Foster
Restaurants Chorizo!!! Is the Social Hall’s secret weapon also its weakness? Nah. | by Aidan Morgan
Art The Art Of War Radiabolus disarms propaganda by putting it in the gallery | by Gregory Beatty
Cover Andy Shauf Saskatchewan’s folk hero brings The Party back home | by Stephen Whitworth
Film Another Fine Tiff The Toronto Film Fest’s best films weren’t biggies | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Film Hnetflix | by Shane Hnetka
Film Dull, Baby, Dull Show up an hour late for Deepwater Horizon | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Film Well That Wasn’t Fun I love horror movies. Too bad these ones both suck | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Film Taxi To Oblivion If death’s your destination, maybe re-think the trip? | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Queen City Confidential Risk And Reward | by Anonymous
Bonus Column I’m on to you, Farmers Almanac | by A.G. Bibbophobe