Comic Murray Geister | by Dakota McFadzean
News Don’t Read This A lame band with a vile name got free PR. Stop the presses? | by Paul Dechene
News What Just Happened? News & Horrors from the last two weeks | by Stephen Whitworth
American Underwear Trumpkins Vs Canada Turns out Donald Trump’s supporters would make lousy neighbours | by Anna Minard
World Brazil After Dilma Goodbye reform, hello corruption: the crooks are back in charge | by Gwynne Dyer
Science Matters Super Predators The food chain is out of whack and guess who’s to blame | by David Suzuki
Back To School Our Dumb Summers Prairie Dogs’ vacation barely makes the grade | by Mr. Dick, Rm. 214
Arts Cheers, Candahar It’s closing time for Theo Sims’ brilliant art gallery pub | by Gregory Beatty
Film No Average Joe Snowden’s star wants to spark multiplex debates | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Film Stone On Snowden The famed director shows us why Edward matters | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo
Film Hnetflix | by Shane Hnetka
Queen City Confidential 20 Years Under The Big Top | by Anonymous