Rest in peace, Hannah. You were a wonderful dog — a gentle giant who was always ready for hugs and cuddles. I’ll miss your smiles, your obvious delight in friends and family, and even your manipulative food-begging. Who could say no to that face? Condolences also to your people, who miss you terribly. I’m so glad you lived a good, long life — 13 years!!! — and that I was a small part of that. Goodbye, my dog friend.
GOOD DOGS Queen City Confidential is an open forum for Prairie Dog readers to anonymously share petty rants, workplace gripes, romantic woes and complaints about friends and family. You can say nice things too. E-mail your submission to confidential@prairiedogmag.com (type CONFIDENTIAL in the subject field). Change everyone’s names and identifying details. Submissions must be 100-200 words, and on rare occasions are permitted to make us cry.