

COMIC Murray Geister | by Dakota McFadzean READ

BONUS COLUMN Pusch Comes To Shove When Will Dudes Get An International Men’s Day? | READ

PROVINCE Statues And Cavities Deadpool can grow new teeth but we can’t. Let’s fluoridate | by Paul Dechene READ

EQUITY REPORT 100 Years Of Suffrage A century ago Sask. women got the vote. Well, some of them. | by Gregory Beatty READ

EQUITY REPORT A Suffrage Timeline | by Gregory Beatty READ

EQUITY REPORT Where Sask Is At Prairie Dog’s 2016 equity panel surveys the state of women | by Sonia Stanger READ

WORLD Petulant Olde England Fantasies of global glory feed British E.U. ambivalence | by Gwynne Dyer READ

SCIENCE MATTERS Bee Aware Pollinators are in trouble but there’s a lot we can do to help | by David Suzuki READ

PINTS What’s In A Style? Contradictions and innovations make categorizing beer difficult | by Jason Foster READ

MUSIC Live To Record To Live Belle Plaine unleashes heavy meta for her album’s release tour | by Gregory Beatty READ

BOOKS Atomic Psychotics Author Robert J. Sawyer saves Saskatchewan in Quantum Night | by Paul Dechene READ

FILM Speak Truth To Power Spotlight reminds us why newspapers still matter | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo READ

FILM Hnetflix | by Shane Hnetflix READ

QCC Sound And Fury | by Anonymous READ