The entire U of R campus shuts the hell down all Christmas and through New Year’s. Looks like nobody at the University of Regina gives a friggy-fig about smartphone non-slaves who just want to use the library for a non-commercial, non-material exploration of IDEAS in a peaceful setting during Christmas break. What egregious knob decided there shouldn’t even be SIGNAGE at main entrances letting people know when they’ll be open again? Real universities in real cities do not do this.
Hey, U of Bush League: you had wheelbarrow-loads of money for a new stainless steel sign, yet you’re keeping buildings locked for extended periods of time with NO notices posted on your doors. What kind of idiots put up attention-grabbing, million-dollar signs next to locked buildings? Unfathomable, people! Unfathomable, and manure-pile stinky!
LOCKED LIBRARIES: A SIGN OF THE TIMES Queen City Confidential is an open forum for Prairie Dog readers to anonymously share their petty rants, workplace gripes, romantic woes and complaints about friends and family. You can say nice things too, but it’s more fun to grumble about locked-up public buildings. E-mail your submission to confidential@prairiedogmag.com (type CONFIDENTIAL in the subject field). Change everyone’s names and identifying details. Submissions must be 100-200 words and returned in 14 days or late fees will be charged.