31-days-of-hammerA young woman named Janet (Jennie Linden) is plagued by nightmares. Terrifying nightmares about her mother in a padded room.

The teacher at Janet’s school, Mary (Brenda Bruce), is worried and decides to send Janet home to her legal guardian Henry (David Knight). Henry hires a nurse named Grace (Moira Redmond) to look after the poor girl but the nightmares get worse once she gets home.

It seems that Janet’s mother murdered her father in front of Janet and now Janet is worried that she’s going to go mad just like her mother.

nightmareEveryone is concerned about Janet but the nightmares seem to getting more real, involving a woman with a scar and a birthday cake. Things build and then Henry introduces Janet to his wife.

Is it all in Janet’s head or is someone trying to drive her crazy? Or is it something else all together. Screenwriter Jimmy Sangster’s twist for this thriller is a little more obvious than with some of his previous thrillers but this is still a pretty good thriller. And the ending is pretty good if not a little unexpected.