I’ll have more in a future blog post, but above is a photo of a vehicle and trailer that the Toronto-based arts collective Fixt Point are using to gather stories from Reginans about their memories of downtown Regina. The visit is part of a cross-Canada trip Fixt Point is on to prepare for a larger project tied to Canada’s sesquicentennial celebration in 2017.
Fixt Point was at Canada Day celebrations in Wascana Centre, then were at Central Library from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. today. If you’d like to offer your memories of the downtown, they’ll be at the library Friday and Saturday during the same hours.
From information Fixt Point gathers, they’ll be putting on a performance/installation at Darke Hall on July 12. That will be blogged on down the road. And here’s a Leader-Post report where Curtain Razors’ artistic director Joey Tremblay discusses Fixt Point’s stop in Regina.