fpg-842x321I don’t know what the exact origin of this Regina thrash band’s name is. If you Google FPG, though, the first hit you get is an abbreviation for the term Fantasy Points per Game related to fantasy sports leagues. Another abbreviation is for a diabetes test called Fasting Plasma Glucose.

Regardless, FPG, which is composed of Adam Horvey (drums), Dirty Poncho (guitar & vocals) and Yianni Pantel (bass) has been around since 2012.  On Friday July 24, the band (yes, that’s them pictured above) is having a release for their new album Sonic Awakenings at the Exchange.

The album apparently has 20 tracks, so you can expect some fast and furious fret and skin work at the show. Joining FPG on the bill are local bands Stepping Stone (hardcore), Stoop Kids (hip hop) and Hoodoo Men (instrumental).