The Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative is celebrating its 35th anniversary in 2015. You can find out more about the organization, and the programs and services it provides to members, by visiting the SFC website.

On Monday, May 3 the RPL Theatre is presenting a screening of films from the SFC’s extensive archive. The screening is being held as part of the Independent Visions series which is a programming partnership between the Dunlop Art Gallery, University of Regina Film Department and the Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative to help promote independent and experimental film and video in Regina.

The screening is at 7 p.m. on Monday, and admission is free. Participating filmmakers include Jason Britski, Richard Kerr, Dianne Ouelette, Elaine Pain, Gerald Saul, Robin Schlaht, Brian Stockton, Stephen Surjik and Ian Toews.

To close, here’s a fun little short that the SFC produced a couple of years ago in advance of April Fool’s Day (and a cover story that Prairie Dog did on the first International Puppet Underground Film Festival).