Regina’s fall culture calendar: too much of a good thing?

by Gregory Beatty

The day this issue hits the streets, the indigenous arts festival Performing Turtle Island opens at the University of Regina. Then there’s the Dunlop opening for Sympathy for the Institution to look forward to on Sept. 18. And Culture Days is Sept. 25-27, with everything from book launches and poetry readings to art walks, concerts and urban planning forums to attend. And on Oct. 6, CBC foreign correspondent Derek Stoffel delivers the Minifie Lecture at the School of Journalism. And… well, you get the idea.

It’s always a bittersweet exercise for me compiling this annual list of arts and culture events happening in Regina until Dec. 31. There’s so much stuff I’d love to check out, but there’s only so many hours in the day (not to mention dollars in the wallet, and gas in the proverbial human energy tank) so there’s no way I can possibly attend more than a fraction of things on my wish-list.

Hopefully, you’ll feel the same sense of regret as I do when you check out the listings (with the odd spotlight mixed in). Hopefully, also, you’ll make an effort to get out to as many events as possible in the next few months. Regina’s got some amazing homegrown talent, and some quality artists tour through town too. We’ve even supplied you with a bingo card to spur you on. There’s no jackpot to be won but the more spots you cross off, the richer your life will be. Trust us.


Books & Ideas


Friday 18

PRAIRIE HORIZONS 2015 Conference hosted by CANSCAIP (Canadian Society of Children’s Authors, Illustrators and Performers) on the theme Seeds of Inspiration: Growing Imagination!, with guest presenters Alison Lohans, Gillian Richardson, Josh Rosen and more. St. Michael’s Retreat (Lumsden), Sept. 18-20. See

BOOK SPINE POETRY CHALLENGE Create poetry using stacked book titles. Hosted by Regina Public Library, with child, teen and adult categories. Entry deadline is Nov. 1. See

WORD UP! Spoken word with guest artist Erin Cotton. Creative City Centre, 7:30 p.m. $10, or pay what you can. To be followed by a workshop on Sept. 19 on the theme “Sneaking Up On Yourself: Confessional Poetry” from 1:30-4:30 p.m. $20. See

Tuesday 22

CAMPUS MASTER PLAN PUBLIC FORUM Presentation on long-term plans to develop the University of Regina. University Theatre & Crush Area, 3-5 p.m. See

BOOK CLUB, ANYONE? Tonight: Diane Setterfield’s The Thirteenth Tale. Sherwood Village Library, 7 p.m. 306-777-6088.

Wednesday 23

DIANNE WARREN: LIBERTY STREET Book launch by Regina writer. Slate Gallery, 7 p.m.

Thursday 24

THE ESSENTIAL W.P. KINSELLA Canadian author reads from his new book of short stories. Central Library, 7 p.m.

ADULT BOOK CLUB Tonight: Henriette Lazaridis Power’s Clover House. Regent Place Library, 7 p.m. 306-777-6086.

Friday 25

CULTURE DAYS Weekend celebration of culture, includes open houses, performances, exhibitions, workshops and other activities. Highlights include an Art Walk on Saturday that runs from 11 a.m.-5 p.m., an Indigenous Stop Motion Storytelling Workshop at Sâkêwêwak on Friday/Saturday, a street fair in north-central Regina from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday, T-shirt printing with Articulate Ink on Saturday, plus other events listed below. See (search for Regina events).

WRITER IN RESIDENCE Until May, Iranian-Canadian author and academic Nilofar Shidmehr will be at Central Library to consult with established and aspiring writers. Today, there is a reading and welcoming reception from 7-9 p.m. Then on Oct. 25 Shidmehr will conduct a workshop on life writing from 1-4 p.m. Register at

FINE ARTS PRESENTATION SERIES Visual arts professor Leesa Streifler discusses her sabbatical in Scotland, England, Bulgaria and Saskatchewan Beach. CK187, University of Regina, 3:30 p.m. See

CINQ-A-SEPT: GLOBAL EDITION Informal gathering and potluck for Regina’s cultural community. Creative City Centre, 5-7 p.m. Free. See

THIRST YOUTH SLAM! Youth-focused spoken word with guest artist Dash Reimer. Creative City Centre, 7:30 p.m. Free. See

Saturday 26

WORDS IN THE PARK Held as part of Culture Days, with readings by Sharon Butala, Alex Cousins, Greg Simison and Coby Stephenson. Co-presented by Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild and Vertigo Series. City Square Plaza, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

EXPLORATIONS IN COLD WAX PAINTING Tips for using a painting technique involving beeswax and solvent. Prince of Wales Library, 1-3 p.m., with a second session on Oct. 3. Register at

PATCH IT! MENDING CIRCLE Tips for repairing and recycling used clothing with artist Amber Phelps Bondaroff. Central Library Art Shack, noon to 4 p.m.

SASKMUSIC: WRITE A KILLER BIO & ONE-SHEET Workshop with Craig Silliphant to help musicians promote themselves better. 1831 College Ave., 7 p.m. SaskMusic members free, non-members $20. See

Sunday 27

CULTURAL GROOVES: CELEBRATING DIVERSITY IN STORIES & DANCE Readings, dance and food with contributions from Joanne Weber, Martine Noel-Maw, Tara Gereaux and Wambdi Dance. Central Library Theatre, 2-4 p.m. Register at

MY REGINA IS Drop in session to discuss Regina’s downtown. Creative City Centre, 1-5 p.m. See

SPEAK UP! Spoken word workshop facilitated by Johnny Trinh. Creative City Centre, 2-4 p.m. Free. See

Monday 28

LUTHER LECTURE Pamela Dickey Young discusses “Sex, Religion and Canadian Youth: Identities Under Construction.” Luther College Auditorium, University of Regina, 7:30 p.m. 306-585-5034.

YVES ENGLER: CANADA IN AFRICA: 300 YEARS OF AID & EXPLOITATION Book launch by noted Canadian journalist exploring Canada’s problematic history in Africa. Artful Dodger, 8 p.m.

Tuesday 29

CAROLYN HARRIS: MAGNA CARTA & THE MAKING OF THE MODERN WORLD Lecture on the impact of this civil rights document signed in 1215. LY610, University of Regina, 7 p.m. 306-585-4398.

Wednesday 30

LAW FOUNDATION OF SASKATCHEWAN LECTURE Arizona State University professor Scott Decker discusses the role of research in policing in his talk “Smart Policing and the Challenge of Translational Criminology”. ED191, University of Regina, 5 p.m. 306-585-4226.


Monday 5

ARTICULATIONS Symposium hosted by SaskGalleries exploring why more indigenous artists aren’t working with commercial galleries, with a panel discussion and keynote by New York art dealer Nicole Klugsbrun. MacKenzie Gallery, 9:30 a.m. Register by Oct. 1 at 306-775-3323.

Tuesday 6

JAMES MINIFIE LECTURE Guest-speaker is CBC foreign correspondent Derek Stoffel. Hosted by University of Regina School of Journalism. Education Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. See

WRITE AFTER LUNCH: CASSIDY McFADZEAN The Regina poet on “To Dwell In Possibility: Writing and the MFA”. Presented by Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild. 100-1150 8th Ave., 12:15-12:45 p.m. See

Wednesday 7

BOOK CLUB Tonight: Richard Wagamese’s Indian Horse. Prince of Wales Library, 7 p.m. 306-777-6085.

Thursday 8

VICTOR LETHBRIDGE: INDIGENOUS AUTHOR READING Family-friendly storytelling session focusing on self-esteem and leadership for youth. Central Library, 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Friday 9

IGNITE! Second annual science fair hosted by the Science Centre to encourage creativity and innovation in Saskatchewan. Includes workshops, presentations and a Lantern Festival. Oct. 7-8 for school students only, Oct. 9-10 for the general public. See

Saturday 10

DAKOTA MCFADZEAN: DRAWING EVERY DAY Workshop on developing your skills as a cartoonist and comic book artist. Presented by Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild. 100-1150 8th Ave., 1-4 p.m. SWG members free, non-members $25. See

Tuesday 13

BOOK CLUB, ANYONE? Tonight: Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Sherwood Village Library, 7 p.m. 306-777-6088.

Friday 16

SHOWCASE 2015 Includes a mix of performing arts showcases at Regina Performing Arts Centre and visual art exhibits and concerts at the Ramada Plaza, along with workshops and a trade show. Musical guests include Belle Plaine, Andino Suns, the Dead South and Lisa Brokop. Presented by the Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils. Oct. 16-18. See

Sunday 18

SASKATCHEWAN LIBRARY WEEK Local libraries host a variety of events on the theme Dare To Know. Oct. 18-24. See

Tuesday 20

A WRITER’S LIFE: WITH FRIENDS FROM WEYBURN TO DOG RIVER TO SEATTLE Jean Freeman discusses her acting career and reads from the memoirs of Florence James and Kay Parley. Central Library Theatre, 2 p.m. Register at

QUICK AND DIRTY 1.0 Debut of a new artist talk series hosted by Dunlop Gallery. Tonight: University of Regina MFA students. Creative City Centre (1843 Hamilton St.), 8 p.m.

MURDER BY THE BOOK Monthly discussion group on mysteries. Central Library, 7-9 p.m. 306-777-6120.

Wednesday 21

THIRST YOUTH SLAM Youth-orientated poetry slam for people 14 and over. Co-presented with Creative City Centre. Central Library, 6:30 p.m. Register at

Thursday 22

ADULT SCIENCE NIGHT Theme is “Back to the Future”, includes a look at the past and future of science. Science Centre, 7 p.m. $10. See

ADULT BOOK CLUB Tonight: Markus Zuzak’s The Book Thief. Regent Place Library, 7 p.m. 306-777-6086.

VERTIGO SERIES Held in conjunction with the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild Fall Conference, this event features readings by Connie Gault and Elizabeth Philips. Crave Restaurant, 7:30 p.m.

Friday 23

FALL CONFERENCE Hosted by Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild. Includes presentations and workshops on the theme Great Expectations related to surviving and thriving in the current literary landscape. All events at Travelodge (4177 Albert St.), Oct. 23-24. See

FINE ARTS PRESENTATION SERIES Alex King, curator/preparator for the University of Regina President’s Art Collection, discusses upcoming curatorial projects involving the collection. CK187, University of Regina, 3:30 p.m. See

Saturday 24

GEEK SUMMIT Hosted by Regina Public Library, with the Flatland Regional Association of Gamers, Saskatchewan Lego Users Group, Regina Costume League and more. Core Ritchie Centre, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. See

Tuesday 27

SASKMUSIC: SHARPEN YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY Workshop hosted by Taron Cochrane to assist musicians in boosting their social media profile. 1831 College Ave., 7 p.m. SaskMusic members free, non-members $20. See


Thursday 12

VERTIGO SERIES Blend of literature and music in an art gallery setting, with guest poet Steven Ross Smith. MacKenzie Gallery, 7 p.m. $5 admission.

Sunday 15

MULTICULTURALISM WEEK CELEBRATION Afternoon of dance, music and more. Co-hosted by the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan. MacKenzie Gallery, 1-4 p.m. See

Monday 16

SASKMUSIC: CREATING VIRAL VIDEO CONTENT Workshop hosted by Andrei Feheregyhazi to assist musicians in boosting their on-line profile. 1831 College Ave., 7 p.m. SaskMusic members free, non-members $20. See

Friday 20

FINE ARTS PRESENTATION SERIES Helen Pridmore discusses “The Original Instrument: The Human Voice and the Human Body.” CK187, University of Regina, 3:30 p.m. See

Monday 23

THE STORY AT THE CENTRE: WRITING AND PUBLISHING IN THE DIGITAL AGE Cynthia Good discusses the changing nature of writing, publishing and reading. Rm. 610, John Archer Library, University of Regina, 7 p.m. See

Thursday 26

ADULT SCIENCE NIGHT Theme is “Edible Eats”, includes a look at flavour and nutrition in our food. Science Centre, 7 p.m. $10. See

Friday 27

JSGS PUBLIC LECTURE Munir Sheikh discusses the benefits of evidence-based policy development. Rm. 210, 2 Research Drive, University of Regina, 12:30 p.m. 306-585-5512.


Thursday 17

ADULT SCIENCE NIGHT Theme is “The Science Awakens”, includes a look at exoplanets and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Science Centre, 7 p.m. $10. See



Thursday 24

STRANGE & FAMILIAR Screening of a 2014 documentary about architect Todd Saunders’ artist studios on Fogo Island in Newfoundland. Co-presented with Regina Advocates for Design and OPEN. Central Library Theatre, 7 p.m. See

Tuesday 29#

TALKIES Comic Jayden Pfeifer provides commentary on a mediocre move. Tonight: Teen Witch (1989). Central Library Theatre, 7 p.m. Free with a food bank donation.


Thursday 1

RIGHT TO KNOW WEEK RPL FILM SERIES Held in conjunction with other events to promote freedom of information. Screening tonight and Saturday at 7 p.m., Friday at 9 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. is the 2015 documentary How To Change The World about the origins of the environmental movement in the 1970s. Screening tonight and Saturday at 9 p.m., and Friday and Sunday at 7 p.m. is the 2014 documentary Chameleon about Ghanian investigative journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas. Central Library Theatre. See

Friday 2

REGINA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL First annual celebration of cinema, includes screenings and musical performances from 4 to 7:30 p.m. and 8 to 11:30 p.m. On Oct. 3, there’s a screening and musical performance from 1 to 4:30 p.m., followed by a gala awards ceremony from 8 to 11:30 p.m. Conexus Arts Centre. See

Monday 5

INDEPENDENT VISIONS Hosted by Sask. Filmpool Co-op, Dunlop Gallery and University of Regina Film Department. Tonight: Lindsay McIntyre’s Northern Portrait Series featuring 16 mm films with handmade emulsion. Central Library Theatre, 7 p.m.

Tuesday 13

JEWISH FILM SERIES Third annual festival presented by the Regina & District Jewish Association. Tonight: To Life! (2014) Set in the ’60s, this drama sees three female Holocaust survivors reunite for the first time since they were released from Auschwitz. Central Library Theatre, 7 p.m. See

Tuesday 27

TALKIES Comic Jayden Pfeifer provides commentary on a cheesy move. Tonight: Battle Beyond the Stars (1987). Central Library Theatre, 7 p.m. Free with a food bank donation.

Saturday 31

WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE Regina filmmaker Michael J. Lai (a.k.a. the Prairie Traveller) screens and discusses his Star Trek homage. Central Library Theatre, 3 p.m. Register at


Monday 2

INDEPENDENT VISIONS Hosted by Sask. Filmpool Co-op, Dunlop Gallery and University of Regina Film Department. Tonight: The Loop Collective: Recent Works featuring a screening and Q&A with filmmakers from the Calgary collective who are celebrating their 20th anniversary. Central Library Theatre, 7 p.m.

Saturday 7

FILMS FOR FOODIES Annual fundraiser for the RPL Theatre, includes a screening of a food-themed film, followed by a reception with food and drink from local restaurants and other sources. RPL Theatre, 7 p.m. See or call 306-777-6104.

Tuesday 17

JEWISH FILM SERIES Tonight: Dough (2014) Comedy about an interfaith friendship set in London’s East End. Central Library Theatre, 7 p.m. See

Thursday 26

SASKATCHEWAN INDEPENDENT FILM AWARDS Hosted by the Saskatchewan Filmpool, this salute to independent film in the province includes screenings and an awards ceremony. Artesian, 7:30 p.m. See


Tuesday 8

JEWISH FILM SERIES Tonight: 24 Days (2015) Set in Paris, this drama was inspired by a real-life kidnapping in 2006. Central Library Theatre, 7 p.m. See



Thursday 1

SCARLETT JANE at the SCES Club. $10.

Friday 2

THE WET SECRETS with Kalle Mattson at O’Hanlon’s.

JIM GALLOWAY with the Project at the Lancaster Taphouse.

PORT NOISE with the Faceplants, Almost Alien and Newera at SCES Club, doors at 7:45 p.m. $15.

EMERSON DRIVE at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $45, $52.

METHOD2MADNESS at McNally’s Tavern.

Saturday 3

THE BLAZERS REUNION SHOW at the Italian Club (2124 Connaught St.). $25.

KRIS CRAIG at the Capital Jazz Club & Tapas Bar.

METHOD2MADNESS at McNally’s Tavern.

Sunday 4

BEN KUNDER at the Artful Dodger.

Tuesday 6

THE VON VULTURE TRIO at the Capital Jazz Club & Tapas Bar.

Wednesday 7

ROAD TRIP 2015 with Paul Brandt and Dean Brody and guest Jess Moskaluke at Brandt Centre, 7 p.m. $35-$79.50.

ARABIO with Adictox, Tomorrow Starts Today and Ballot Burner at SCES Club. $10.

RUS NERWICH at the Capital Jazz Club & Tapas Bar.

Friday 9

GOB with Boid at the Pump Roadhouse. $15.

THE JIMMY TRI-TONE BAND at the Lancaster Taphouse.

BRADY ENSLIN CD RELEASE at the Artful Dodger.

Saturday 10

ROSIE & THE RIVETTERS at the Artesian, 8 p.m. $20.

P.A. LECLERC at the Capital Jazz Club & Tapas Bar.

SHOOTER JENNINGS with Waymore’s Outlaws at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $35, $40.

SHAUN MASON with Dumb Angel, Megan Nash and Mike Edel at the Artful Dodger.

Tuesday 13

OLIVER SWAIN’S BIG MACHINE presented by Grassroots Regina at the SCES Club, 8 p.m. $15. See

THE VON VULTURE TRIO at the Capital Jazz Club & Tapas Bar.

Wednesday 14

BUDDY WASISNAME & THE OTHER FELLAS at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $25, $30.

SEAN BURNS with Kristopher Ulrich at Bushwakker, 9 p.m.

BEN CAPLAN & CASUAL SMOKERS at the Artful Dodger.

Thursday 15

THE GLORIOUS SONS with Northcote and Poor Young Things at the Exchange, doors at 8 p.m. $18 advance.

Friday 16

HAWKSLEY WORKMAN presented by Regina Folk Festival Concert Series with Fiona Bevan at Darke Hall, 8 p.m. $30 advance, $35 door. See

CARNIFEX with Black Tongue, Lorna Shore and the Last Ten Seconds of Life at the Exchange, doors at 7:30 p.m. $20.

GEOFF SMITH with Chris “Tiny” Matchett at the Lancaster Taphouse.

PAM TILLIS & LORRIE MORGAN at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $58, $63.

F & M BAND at the Artful Dodger.

Saturday 17

GLENN SUTTER ALBUM LAUNCH (LET THE DOG RUN) at the Artful Dodger, show at 8 p.m. $10. See

HOT CLUB POWLEY at the Capital Jazz Club & Tapas Bar.

TOM HOLLISTON at the Lancaster Taphouse.

MIKE EVIN at Creative City Centre, 8 p.m.

Sunday 18

SHANIA TWAIN “ROCK THIS COUNTRY TOUR” at Brandt Centre, 7:30 p.m. $115-$220. See

BROS LANDRETH with Donovan Woods at the Exchange, show at 8 p.m. $15.

WILL STROET at the Artful Dodger.

Monday 19

SHANIA TWAIN “ROCK THIS COUNTRY TOUR” at Brandt Centre, 7:30 p.m. $115-$220. See

Tuesday 20

THE VON VULTURE TRIO at the Capital Jazz Club & Tapas Bar.

Wednesday 21

SALT-N-PEPA at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $63, $68.

FINGER ELEVEN at the Pump Roadhouse. $45.

MAGNET & THE MAGNETTES at the Artful Dodger.

Friday 23

GOOD RIDDANCE with Off With Their Heads and Fire Next Time at the Exchange. $17.50.

KEIFFER with the Bystanders at the Lancaster Taphouse.

FOUR BY FOUR tribute to the Beatles, Beach Boys, Bee Gees and Motown at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $40, $45.

JOHN WORT HANNAN TRIO at the Artful Dodger.

Saturday 24

LIBRARY VOICES ALBUM RELEASE (LOVISH) with Surf Dads and guests at the Exchange, 8 p.m. $12.

ANDY KIM at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $30, $35.

THE PROJECT at the Capital Jazz Club & Tapas Bar.

Sunday 25

TILLERS FOLLY at the Artful Dodger.

Monday 26

DREAMS: A CLASSIC ROCK FANTASY Special tribute to Stevie Nicks with guest tributes to Rod Stewart and Mick Jagger. Conexus Arts Centre, 8 p.m. $42.60-$58.95. See

Tuesday 27

KIRBY at the Artful Dodger.

Friday 30

KEVIN ROY at the Lancaster Taphouse.

HALLOWEEN HOWL with Big Sugar, Leather Cobra and Trigger Finger at the Can-Sask Sound Stage, doors at 7 p.m. $32.50.

Saturday 31

JUDAS PRIEST REDEEMER OF SOULS TOUR with One Bad Son at Brandt Centre, 8 p.m. $29.50-$69.50. See


Wednesday 4

TIM CHAISSON at the Artful Dodger.

Thursday 5

ALAN DOYLE BAND at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $25, $30.

TIM HICKS with Cold Creek Country and Jason Benoit at Brandt Centre, 7:30 p.m. $50.

OH CANADA WHAT A FEELING Musical salute to artists such as Bryan Adams, Rush, Anne Murray, Neil Young, Celine Dion and Gordon Lightfoot who have helped shape Canadian culture. Conexus Arts Centre, 7:30 p.m. $60-$82. See

Friday 6

STEPHEN FEARING presented by Grassroots Regina at the Exchange, 8 p.m. $20 advance, $25 door. See

THE YOUNG PIXIES at the Artful Dodger.

HOME FREE at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $25, $30.

Saturday 7

LEE HARVEY OSMOND at the Exchange, 8:30 p.m. $30.

PLATINUM BLONDE at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $32, $37.

Saturday 14

THE SLOCAN RAMBLERS presented by Grassroots Regina at the Exchange, 8 p.m. $20 advance, $25 door. See

Tuesday 17

RAH RAH ALBUM RELEASE (VESSELS) with Dear Rouge at the Exchange. $15 advance.

Thursday 19

BRETT KISSEL at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $30, $35.

Friday 20


ANDY WHITE at the Artful Dodger.

Sunday 22

LITTLE MISS HIGGINS & THE WINNIPEG FIVE at Artesian, 8 p.m. $20 advance, $25 door.

Monday 23

THE CELTIC TENORS at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $25, $30.

Thursday 26

THE DEAD SOUTH presented by Regina Folk Festival Concert Series at Agribition, Ag Ex Pavilion, 9:45 p.m. Free with rodeo admission. See

APRIL WINE at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $35, $40.

Friday 27

BLAKE BERGLUND presented by Regina Folk Festival Concert Series at Agribition, Ag Ex Pavilion, 9:45 p.m. Free with rodeo admission. See

TEXAS IN JULY with Reflections, To The Wind, Invent and Animate at the Exchange. $20.

REPLAY 60S INVASION at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $25, $30.

Saturday 28

REPLAY 60S INVASION at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $25, $30.

Monday 30



Tuesday 1

ROGER HODGSON (EX OF SUPERTRAMP) at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $65, $72.

Friday 11

A NIGHT TO REMEMBER (Presley, Perkins, Lewis & Cash) at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $25, $30.

Saturday 12

A NIGHT TO REMEMBER (Presley, Perkins, Lewis & Cash) at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $25, $30.

Thursday 17

RORY ALLEN (I’LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS) at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $20, $25.

Friday 18

MEL TILLIS & THE STATESIDERS at Conexus Arts Centre, 7 p.m. $80.55. See

RORY ALLEN (I’LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS) at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $20, $25.

Saturday 19

RORY ALLEN (I’LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS) at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $20, $25.

Thursday 31

NEARLY NEIL & THE SOLITARY BAND at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $25, $30.



Thursday 17

PERFORMING TURTLE ISLAND: A GATHERING OF INDIGENOUS THEATRE AND PERFORMANCE National symposium hosted by the University of Regina and First Nations University of Canada exploring the role indigenous performing arts plays in communal identity and well-being. Sept. 17-19. See

Friday 18

RED HOT RIOT Season premiere of this popular variety show hosted by Jayden Pfeifer which mixes stand-up, music and sketch comedy. Guests are Joey Tremblay and Danny Olliver. Artesian, 8 p.m. $15. See

PASS THE HAT Local stand-up comedy. SCES Club, 8 p.m. Pay what you like.

Saturday 19

THE HOUSE OF CHOW MEIN Conceived by Edward Poitras with contributions by several other artists and performers, this work is inspired by the life Honore Jackson who was a colleague of Louis Riel and a Métis activist and historian. Presented by New Dance Horizons as part Performing Turtle Island. Riddell Centre, University of Regina, 8 p.m. Adult $30, Student & Senior $25, 13 and under $15. See

NORM MACDONALD Stand-up by Canadian comic with guest (and fellow Canuck) Steve Ray Fromstein. Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $43, $48. Sold out.

Tuesday 22

HITCHHIKERS IMPROV Performance by local improv troupe. Artesian, doors at 7:30 p.m. $7, $5 for high school students.

Wednesday 23

GIRLS NIGHT: THE MUSICAL A group of women celebrate their past and present as friends and look forward to the future in this off-Broadway musical with music from the 1980s and ’90s. Conexus Arts Centre, 7:30 p.m. $51.25-$61.25. See

Thursday 24

COMEDY NIGHT at the Artful Dodger.

Sunday 27

FRONT ROW CENTRE DANCE The Royal Ballet Romeo & Juliet. Galaxy Theatre. See

Monday 29

HALL PASS COMEDY TOUR Featuring a performance by comic Don Burnstick. Performing Arts Centre, 7 p.m. $25. 306-779-2277.


Friday 2

GOYA: AN OPERA Five paintings by the famous Spanish painter Francisco Goya (1746-1828) are brought to life using a mix of classical opera, techno, hip hop, dance and video. Shu-Box Theatre, University of Regina, Oct. 2-3, 7:30 p.m. $12 adults, $8 students/seniors, U of R students free with ID.

Saturday 3

THE MET: LIVE IN 3D Verdi’s Il Trovatore. Galaxy Theatre, with encore performances Nov. 14, 16 and 18. See

Monday 5

RIVERDANCE Touring production of the Celtic dance spectacular. Conexus Arts Centre, Oct. 5-7 at 7:30 p.m. $60.15-$98.65. See

Tuesday 6

HITCHHIKERS IMPROV Performance by local improv troupe. Artesian, doors at 7:30 p.m. $7, $5 for high school students.

Wednesday 7

BEER & BAROQUE Presented by Regina’s Baroque-period ensemble Per Sonatori, this event features music, song and beer. Crave Kitchen + Wine Bar, 7 p.m. See

Saturday 10

RSO SHUMIATCHER POPS with guest artists Quartetto Gelato — Peter De Sotto (violin), Alexander Sevastian (accordion), Colin Maier (oboe) and Elizabeth McLellan (cello) — at Conexus Arts Centre, 8 p.m. See

Sunday 11

TRIO CONCERTANTE Presented by Regina Musical Club with Nancy Dahn (violin), Simon Fryer (cello) and Tim Steeves (piano) at University of Regina Theatre, 2 p.m. Adults $25, Students and Seniors $20, Under 18 $5, U of R Students with ID Free. See

FRONT ROW CENTRE DANCE The Bolshoi Ballet Giselle. Galaxy Theatre. See

Friday 16

LINDA RABIN: CONTINUUM AND THE SPACE BETWEEN Workshop on stillness and movement hosted by New Dance Horizons. 2207 Harvey St., Oct. 16-17, 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. See

Saturday 17

RSO GOVERNMENT HOUSE CONCERT String Spectacular with works by Rossini, Mather, Handel-Halvorsen and Mozart. 8 p.m. See

THE MET: LIVE IN 3D Verdi’s Otello. Galaxy Theatre, with encore performances Dec. 5, 7 and 9. See

AN EVENING WITH MARTIN SHORT Comedy and more from legendary Canadian performer. Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $72, $78.

Sunday 18

RSO GOVERNMENT HOUSE CONCERT String Spectacular with works by Rossini, Mather, Handel-Halvorsen and Mozart. 2 p.m. See

LIVE CINEMA SEASON Shakespeare’s Globe on Screen presents Twelfth Night. Central Library Theatre, 2 p.m. See

CECILIAN CONCERT SERIES with the Dover Quartet and Pavel Kolesnikov (piano) at Knox Met Church, 4 p.m. See

Tuesday 20

WOOL GATHERING Dance and visual art collaboration between FadaDance and Tamara Unroe which explores ideas of nesting, mapping and refuge. Presented as part of Globe Theatre’s Shumiatcher Sandbox Series. The Artesian, Oct. 20-24, 7:30 p.m. See

Thursday 22

THE WIGGLES: ROCK ’N’ ROLL PRESCHOOL TOUR Conexus Arts Centre, 6:30 p.m. $30-$38. See

Saturday 24

RSO MASTERWORKS CONCERT Miles Plays Haydn featuring soloist Miles Newman (trumpet) and works by Glinka, Sibelius, Estacio and Haydn at Conexus Arts Centre, 8 p.m. See

Tuesday 27

BO BURNHAM Stand-up comedy and musical performance. Conexus Arts Centre, 8 p.m. $45. See

HITCHHIKERS IMPROV Performance by local improv troupe. Artesian, doors at 7:30 p.m. $7, $5 for high school students.

Friday 30

PASS THE HAT Local stand-up comedy. SCES Club, 8 p.m. Pay what you like.

Saturday 31

THE MET: LIVE IN 3D Wagner’s Tannhäuser. Galaxy Theatre, with encore performances Jan. 9, 11 and 13. See


Sunday 1

BOHEMIA & BEYOND Concert presented by Regina’s Baroque-period ensemble Per Sonatori. Knox Met Church, 3 p.m. See

Tuesday 3

CRAIG FERGUSON: THE NEW DEAL TOUR Stand-up from Scottish comic/TV host. Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $85, $90.

Saturday 7

A CELEBRATION OF SOUND Features the Regina Philharmonic Chorus with members of the Regina Symphony Orchestra at Knox-Met Church, 8 p.m. See

Sunday 8

DUO RENDEZVOUS Presented by Regina Musical Club with Jasper Wood (violin) and Daniel Bolshoy (guitar) at University of Regina Theatre, 2 p.m. Adults $25, Students and Seniors $20, Under 18 $5, U of R Students with ID Free. See

Tuesday 10

JUST FOR LAUGHS COMEDY TOUR 2015 with host Gerry Dee and guest comics Cristela Alonzo, Robert Kelly and Graham Chittenden. Conexus Arts Centre, 7:30 p.m. See

Thursday 12

GERSHWIN RHAPSODY IN BLUE Held as part of the RSO Piano Festival with David Braid (piano) and Matt Brubeck (cello) at Darke Hall, 7:30 p.m. See

Friday 13

ROARING 2020S Dance party featuring DJs playing swing music. The Exchange. See

Saturday 14

RSO SHUMIATCHER POPS Back to Back — The Music of Elton John and Billy Joel with guest artists Jean Meilleur (lead vocals), John Regan (piano), Kathryn Rose (backup vocals) and Katalin Kiss (backup vocals) at Conexus Arts Centre, 8 p.m. See

Sunday 15

FRONT ROW CENTRE DANCE The Royal Ballet Viscera, Afternoon of a Faun, Carmen and Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux. Galaxy Theatre. See

Tuesday 17

GREAT RUSSIAN NUTCRACKER Moscow Ballet and stars from Ukraine’s Kharkov Opera Ballet  presents their version of Tchaikovsky’s holiday classic. Conexus Arts Centre, 7 p.m. $44.50-$175. See

HITCHHIKERS IMPROV Performance by local improv troupe. Artesian, doors at 7:30 p.m. $7, $5 for high school students.

Thursday 19

VIOLIN/PIANO RECITAL Presented by the RSO Piano Festival and University of Regina Faculty of Fine Arts with Katherine Dowling (piano) and Joshua Peters (violin) at Shu-Box Theatre, 7:30 p.m. See

Friday 20

REGINA SYMPHONY CHAMBER PLAYERS & JEFFERY STRAKER Presented by the RSO Piano Festival and Casino Regina at Casino Regina, 7:30 p.m. See

PASS THE HAT Local stand-up comedy. SCES Club, 8 p.m. Pay what you like.

Saturday 21

THE MET: LIVE IN 3D Berg’s Lulu. Galaxy Theatre, with encore performances Feb. 6-8. See

RSO GOVERNMENT HOUSE CONCERT Piano Poetry with works by Pleyel, Moskowski, Martinu and Weber. 8 p.m. See

Sunday 22

RSO GOVERNMENT HOUSE CONCERT Piano Poetry with works by Pleyel, Moskowski, Martinu and Weber. 2 p.m. See

CHENG2 DUO Presented by the RSO Piano Festival and Cecilian Concert Series at Knox Met Church, 7:30 p.m. See

Wednesday 25

ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS LIVE ON STAGE Conexus Arts Centre, 7 p.m. $43.90-$77.40. See

Friday 27

DEREK EDWARDS: BALONEY AND WINE Performance by veteran Canadian stand-up comic. University Theatre, 7:30 p.m. $40. See

Saturday 28

RSO MASTERWORKS CONCERT Romantic Piano featuring soloist Montreal International Musical Competition Finalist Annika Treutler (piano) and works by Mendelssohn, Schumann and Beethoven at Conexus Arts Centre, 8 p.m. See

Sunday 29

FRONT ROW CENTRE DANCE The Bolshoi Ballet Jewels. Galaxy Theatre. See


Tuesday 1

HITCHHIKERS IMPROV Performance by local improv troupe. Artesian, doors at 7:30 p.m. $7, $5 for high school students.

Wednesday 2

VINYL CAFÉ CHRISTMAS SHOW CBC Radio’s Stuart McLean returns with his annual Xmas show, with musical guests The Once. Conexus Arts Centre, 7 p.m. $52.50-$57.50. See

Thursday 3

DARCY OAKE: EDGE OF REALITY Performance by illusionist. Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $30, $35.

Friday 4

BRETT BUTT at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $25, $30.

Saturday 5

BRETT BUTT at Casino Regina, 8 p.m. $25, $30.

Sunday 6

RSO FAMILY CONCERT with an orchestral recreation of Roch Carrier’s beloved short story The Hockey Sweater. Knox Met Church, with pre-concert activities at 2 p.m., followed by the concert at 3 p.m. See

FRONT ROW CENTRE DANCE The Bolshoi Ballet The Lady of Camellias. Galaxy Theatre. See

Saturday 12

RSO SPECIAL PERFORMANCE Handel’s Messiah, with Regina Philharmonic Chorus,
Halcyon Chamber Choir and guest soloists. Knox-Met Church, 8 p.m. See

Sunday 13

RSO SPECIAL PERFORMANCE Handel’s Messiah Sing-A-Long. Knox-Met Church, 3 p.m. See

THE MET: LIVE IN 3D Mozart’s The Magic Flute. Galaxy Theatre. See

Tuesday 15

HITCHHIKERS IMPROV Performance by local improv troupe. Artesian, doors at 7:30 p.m. $7, $5 for high school students.

Friday 18

PASS THE HAT Local stand-up comedy. SCES Club, 8 p.m. Pay what you like.

Sunday 20

CHRISTMAS CRACKERS Holiday-themed cabaret presented by Golden Apple Theatre with special guest performers t.b.a. Artesian, 7:30 p.m. See

FRONT ROW CENTRE DANCE The Royal Ballet The Nutcracker. Galaxy Theatre. See



ALL SHOOK UP The Globe kicks off its 50th anniversary season with this musical celebrating the music of Elvis Presley. Set in 1955, the musical focuses on a motorcycle-riding rebel who arrives in a small mid-western town and proceeds to shake up the conservative townsfolk. Globe Theatre, until Oct. 4. See

THE NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE George Farquhar’s comedy of love and money The Beaux’ Strategem. Galaxy Theatre, Sept. 24, with an encore performance Oct. 24. See

THE SAMA KUTRA Described as a cross between 50 Shades of Grey and Cirque de Soleil, this adult-themed clown show sees a long-married couple try to spice up their love lives. Artesian, Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 8 p.m. $25. See


CALENDAR GIRLS Written by Tim Firth, this comedy is based on the true story of a group of Yorkshire women who do a nudie calendar to raise money for cancer research. Presented by Regina Little Theatre. Performing Arts Centre, Oct. 7-9 at 7:30 p.m., Oct. 10 at 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. See

THE NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE Shakespeare’s Hamlet, with Benedict Cumberbatch in the title role. Galaxy Theatre, Oct. 15, with encore performances Nov. 7-9 and Nov. 11. See

ALICE IN WONDERLAND Adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s surreal children’s classic. Presented by Do It With Class Young People’s Theatre to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the tale being published. Darke Hall, Oct. 28-29 at 12:30 and 7:30 p.m., Oct. 30 at 7:30 p.m. See

FALL ONE ACT CABARET Annual Regina Little Theatre fundraiser, featuring several one-act plays. Performing Arts Centre, Oct. 30-31, doors at 6:30 p.m. See


NEVER SWIM ALONE Satire by Daniel MacIvor in which two businessmen who’ve known each other since boyhood engage in a combative debate officiated by a woman in a swimsuit. Presented by Golden Apple Theatre. Artesian, Nov. 3-14, 8 p.m. See

THE SNOW QUEEN Adapted from the Hans Christian Andersen by Globe Theatre artistic director Ruth Smillie, this holiday musical focuses on the efforts of two elfin children who set out on a journey to save their queen from the icy clutches of the Snow Queen. Globe Theatre, Nov. 12-Dec. 27. See

3 PENNY OPERA Adaptation of Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill’s 1920s-era musical drama which offers a socialist critique of the capitalist world. Presented by Do It With Class Young People’s Theatre. Darke Hall, Nov. 18 at 12:30 p.m. Nov. 19 at 12:30 and 7:30 p.m., Nov. 20-21 at 7:30 p.m. See

THE NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE Shakespeare’s Coriolanus, with Tom Hiddleston in the title role. Galaxy Theatre, Nov. 19, with an encore performance Nov. 28. See

THEATRE SASKATCHEWAN FUNDRAISER Includes buffet dinner and dessert presentations of Paul Slade Smith’s Unnecessary Farce directed by Jennifer Lyn Squires. Regina Performing Arts Centre, dinner option is Nov. 21-22 with doors at 6 p.m. and performance at 8 p.m. $35 until Oct. 31, $40 after. Dessert option is Nov. 22, doors at 1:30 p.m. $15 until Oct. 31, $20 after. 306-779-2277.


THE HOBBIT Holiday presentation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy adventure. Presented by Regina Little Theatre. Performing Arts Centre, Dec. 2-4 at 7:30 p.m., Dec. 5 at 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. See




ZACHARI LOGAN: A NATURAL HISTORY OF UNNATURAL THINGS Exhibition of pastel drawings in which the artist blends human figures and vegetation to explore our contemporary relationship with nature. (Oct. 15-Nov. 27, with an artist talk and reception Oct. 21 at 7 p.m.)


Show and sale of locally produced original art. Innovation Place, University of Regina. Oct. 22-24 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Oct. 25 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., with a reception at noon. See


BARBARA MENELEY: PRAIRIE HISTORY REDUX Using source material from the Prairie History Room, the artist will create hundreds of tracings of various photographs, maps and texts. (Opening performance Oct. 17 at 1 p.m., with additional performances to follow, and closing artist talk and reception Jan. 16 at 1 p.m. at Central Library Film Theatre and Dunlop Resource Centre.)

DUN-E YOUNG ARTISTS GROUP Art appreciation club for young people. (Oct. 6, 6-8 p.m. Register at 306-777-6044.)

ART ENGAGERS Monthly gathering for mature art lovers. (Oct. 7, 7-8:30 p.m. Register at 306-777-6044.)


ARTIST TRADING CARDS: OPEN STUDIO Sessions include Embossing With Metal Tape (Oct. 17, 2-4 p.m.) and Make & Trade (Oct. 24, 2-4 p.m.)

HARVEST OF ART Show and sale hosted by Prairie Artist Guild. Executive Royal Hotel (4025 Albert), Oct. 16 from 1-9 p.m., Oct. 17-18 from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. See


SENSING ART RESIDENCY EXHIBIT AND CELEBRATION Visit displays of art created by low-sighted participants in a project led by artist Chrystene Ells and co-presented by the Dunlop Gallery and Canadian National Institute for the Blind. Includes a bus trip to the Dunlop at 2 p.m. (Oct. 4, 1 p.m.)

AUDREY DREVER: NO. I DON’T SPEAK CREE In this MFA exhibition, the artist explores the loss of her indigenous language through the multiple generations. (Oct. 10-18, with a reception Oct. 14 from 5-7 p.m.)

GALA ART AUCTION Annual fundraiser in support of the gallery, includes entertainment, refreshments and live and silent auctions. (Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. Gallery members $110, non-members $130. Call 306-584-4250 ext. 4295 for more information.)


ZACHARI LOGAN: WUNDERKAMMER Exhibition of drawings on the theme of queerness and otherworldliness that serves as a companion show to an exhibition at Art Gallery of Regina. (Opening reception Oct. 10 from 4-7 p.m., runs until Nov. 7.)


ART BY 9: PEOPLE, PLACES AND THINGS Exhibition of figurative paintings by local art collective. (Opens Oct. 20, runs until Nov. 27.)



ZACHARI LOGAN: INTRODUCTION TO SOFT PASTELS Includes exercises geared to introductory and advanced level artists. (Nov. 14-15, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., with a registration deadline on Nov. 6 p.m.)


SKAWENNATI: TIME TRAVELLER Installation by Montreal artist incorporating new media to explore famous historical events from an indigenous perspective. (Opening reception and artist talk Nov. 27, 6 p.m.)

AMANDA STRONG: INDIGO Animation by indigenous artist that mixes mythology with personal history. Curated by Jennifer Matotek as part of the Mediatheque series. (Opens Nov. 16, runs to Jan. 15.)


ROBERT TRUSZKOWSKI: THE CONVERSATIONALIST Exhibition by University of Regina visual arts professor exploring language, communication and pop culture. (Opening reception and artist talk Nov. 14, 1 p.m.)


STORYTELLING SUNDAY WORKSHOP Presentation of The Hockey Sweater by Roch Carrier with additional input from the Regina Symphony Orchestra. (Nov. 1, 2-4 p.m. Free.)


JACK SURES: EIGHTY-ONE Exhibition of ceramics by veteran Regina artist held in celebration of his 81st birthday. (Nov. 12-Dec. 5, with a concert by Jack’s son Ben at the gallery on Nov. 19 to honour his father’s accomplishments.)


Show and sale hosted by Prairie Artist Guild. Wascana Rehabilitation Centre, Nov. 26-28 from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. See


Annual juried art and craft sale hosted by Saskatchewan Craft Council, featuring over 70 craft and visual artists. Conexus Arts Centre. (Nov. 20 1-9 p.m., Nov. 21 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Nov. 22 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Adults $5, Seniors & Youth $3, Kids 12 and under free. See



HOLIDAY CELEBRATION Annual art-themed party with choirs, sleigh rides, refreshments and more. (Dec. 6, 2-4 p.m.)

EXPANDING HORIZONS: COLLECTING THE GROUP OF SEVEN Highlighted by Arthur Lismers’ original sketch and finished painting Pine Tree and Rocks, and other never-before exhibited works by Lismer, A.Y. Jackson and A.J. Casson, this exhibition explores the Group of Seven’s legacy. (Opens Dec. 5, runs until April 10.)

MARIA HUPFIELD: EAST WIND BRINGS A NEW DAY Running parallel to Expanding Horizons, this exhibition of sculpture is highlighted by a work where the artist translates a windblown pine from Tom Thomson’s The West Wind through her Anishinaabe culture. (Opens Dec. 5, runs until April 10.)


SATURNALIA Third annual holiday exhibition featuring work by over two dozen gallery artists. (Dec. 10-Jan. 9.)


GERDA OSTENEK: WALKABOUT (Opens Dec. 1, runs until Jan. 22.)