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Best of Food & Drink 2015


PROVINCE We Need A Law LGBT students and allies deserve more than toothless policy | by Nathan Raine READ

NEWS What Just Happened? News and horror from the last two weeks |READ

WORLD North Korea’s Nukes Asia’s spookiest country is bragging about its missiles again | by Gwynne Dyer READ

SCIENCE MATTERS Hope And Change Need some good news? Look around: it’s sweeping the nation | by David Suzuki READ


SCIENCE Flower Power Pollen plants dupe tiny allies to out-manoeuvre team seed | by Gregory Beatty READ

GAMES Stink, Stank, Stunk Why Cards Against Humanity isn’t even a real game | by Devin Pacholik READ

QCC Heritage In Hell | by Anonymous READ


FILM Conquering Puppets Regina’s mighty handmade film festival goes international | by Devin Pacholik READ

FILM Hnetflix | by Shane Hnetka READ

FILM Exit Light, Enter Night The Babadook makes psychological horror fashionable again | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo READ

FILM Up With Science Tomorrowland takes a stand for a better future | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo READ

FILM More Like Polter-Lite This remake of a classic is [long pause] passable | by Jorge Ignacio Castillo READ

COMIC Murray Geister: Paranormal Investigator | by Dakota McFadzean READ