If you’re into folk/blue-grass/country there’s a great evening of music ahead tonight at Creative City Centre (1843 Hamilton St.). In addition to the headliners Kacy & Clayton, there’s sets by the Slim City Pickers and Andy Beisel.

As for the headliners, Clayton Linthicum is a member of the Saskatoon alt-country band Deep Dark Woods. Kacy Anderson is his second cousin, and they’ve apparently been playing music together since they were kids. And on Nov. 30, the duo picked up the Young Performer of the Year award at the 2014 Canadian Folk Music Awards in Ottawa.

Doors for tonight’s show are at 7:30 p.m., and tickets are $12. To give you a sense of what to expect, here’s video of Kacy & Clayton performing the song “Wood View” in a Seattle studio in August: