Hope (AminRehman)Guest-curated by Regina artist and educator Holly Fay, this group exhibition at the Art Gallery of Regina examines the concept of hope. As defined in one on-line dictionary I consulted, hope means “to desire with expectation of obtainment”.

As individuals, most of us likely harbour hope at various times for all sorts of things in our personal and professional lives. Sometimes, the hope we evince for a particular outcome is realistic. Other times, it’s probably not, at least not without a conscious effort on our part to take the steps necessary to achieve our goal. Yes, hope can be an inspiration. But if it’s not accompanied by any concrete measures to change your existing situation and work toward your goal it’s more or less an empty word.

Those same principles apply to the concept of hope in a broader societal context, where everyone from politicians and retailers to charities, religious leaders and sports teams can use the word to try to connect with the public and win their approval and support.

Artists in the exhibition include Gabriela Garcia Luna, Ernie Klinger, Monique Martin, Christine Ramsay, Amin Rehman, Joseph Siddiqi, Jean E. Sonmor, Sean Whalley, and Carol Wylie. Hope runs at the AGR until Jan. 23, and there’s a closing reception on Jan. 21 from 7-9 p.m.

The pictured work, by the way, is by Amin Rehman, and it’s titled “Can You Touch The Sky”.