1. SNOW AND FROST? What are this words mean? No liek!
2. AFFORDABLE HOUSING FAIL A Regina affordable housing project becomes market-rate housing, but don’t worry! People are still going to make money on it.
3. SEAN FRASER, FRIEND OF TRANSIT The city councillor commits to a week of riding.
4. ALBERTA JIM New PC leader Jim Prentice will be Alberta’s next premier, and maybe the last premier from the reigning Progressive Conservative dynasty.
5. A GREAT CANADIAN FRAUD TRIAL It opened in Calgary today. Background here.
6. WELL HELLO THERE A Russian fighter stalks a Canadian frigate.
7. ALZHEIMER’S STINKS Spirit Of The West frontman John Mann is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s.
8. MOM JAILED FOR HELPING HER DAUGHTER GET AN ABORTION The anti-choice activists who work hard to produce ridiculous outcomes like this in Pennsylvania are vile pieces of human shit. To put it generously.
9. THE GRIM 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SPACE AGE’s DAWN On Sept. 8, 1944, London was hit for the first time by a Nazi V2 rocket.
10. APPLE’S BIG EVENT Will the company announce an iPhone 6 tomorrow, less than a week after I dropped my 4S in a water dish?
11. HUMAN-CAUSED CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL Ninety-seven scientists are participating in a project called 97 Hours Of Consensus. You can read more about it here, or alternately, you can keep your head shoved up your ignorant climate change denying ass.
WOOF Here’s a wolfdog puppy playing with a corgi.