Poster (ghost towns)About three weeks ago we ran a contest for a  Ghost Towns of Saskatchewan poster by former Prairie Dog art director Nigel Hood. Nigel’s gorgeous print, made by Saskatoon’s Hard Pressed, is comprised of logos for real-live, er, dead, Saskatchewan ghost towns — the logos commemorate and celebrate these lost places. It is very, very beautiful.

(You can read more about The Ghost Towns Of Saskatchewan here.)

To win a poster, Prairie Dog readers had to explain why they deserved it (because I wasn’t going to give this beautiful thing away to some contest-junkie who could’t care less about art and Saskatchewan). By the deadline, we had 32-ish entries. All of them deserved to win. Even Barb Saylor’s!

But there can be only one champion, and to I bet no one’s surprise, I picked Nigel’s high school art teacher, Tammie. Here’s what she wrote.

Her last line clinched it: “Art matters! Art is magic! And yes, you can make a living by creating Art!”

That’s something kids need to hear.

For the sad, sad people who didn’t win: good news! We’re selling these posters, and you can e-mail me for information.

Look for a second PD Ghost Towns contest later this year. I bet Planet S will give a poster away at some point this fall, too.