1. IS THIS AMERICA? Well, yup. The police response to protests in Ferguson, Missouri has been out of control. Cops have arrested reporters and politicians, and tear-gassed media trucks and even attempted to dismantle recording equipment. This isn’t policing, this is an attack on civil society. A story that started with an unarmed black teenager gunned down by a white cop is also becoming a cautionary tale of what happens when you equip suburban police with military gear. There’s a good New Yorker piece right here.
2. HEAT WARNING Saskatchewan is cooking.
3. TUBERCULOSIS One case in Moose Jaw and two in Regina.
4. PENSION PROBLEMS Discussions are not going well between the city of Regina and employee groups. Dechene wrote about the situation this issue.
5. CANADA-GERMAN FTA AGREEMENT LEAKED The Council of Canadians doesn’t think much of it.
6. MARIJUANA ACTIVIST MARC EMERY IS BACK IN CANADA And he’s calling on potheads to vote Liberal.
7. ROBOCALL VERDICT Greg already posted that Conservative staffer Michael Sona is guilty of violating the Election Act. But it’s a big story. Here’s more.
8. APOLOGY ACCEPTED Doug Ford’s second attempt at saying “I’m sorry” went over better than his first.
9. MEANWHILE IN IRAQ U.S. President Barack Obama says U.S. forces have won a victory over Islamic State forces. Here are five helpful suggestions on where this can go.
VIDEO: POPEYE THE SAILOR MAN Robert Altman’s Popeye didn’t really work as a movie but it had its moments, including this musical number with Robin Williams in the title role.