Good, The Bad and The UglyIl buono, il brutto, il cattivo aka The Good, the Bad the Ugly is one of the all time classic westerns and it being Father’s Day, it’s also one of my Dad’s favourite movies.

This 1966 spaghetti western wrapped up Sergio Leone’s Man with No Name trilogy that started in with 1964’s A Fistful of Dollars, a remake of Akira Kurosawa Yojimbo and continued with 1965’s A Few Dollars More. None of the movies are really sequels, the only connection the films have are they are all directed by Sergio Leone, they are all westerns and they all star Clint Eastwood.

The Good, the Bad the Ugly is about three people. Eastwood, the good, is a bounty hunter who ends up looking for a cache of gold along with Lee Van Cleef, the bad who goes by the name Angel Eyes and Eli Wallach, the ugly aka Tuco. While the plot is simple, the film is all style and badassery and it works.

MGM / Fox has just recently re-released the movie on blu-ray in a box set with rest of the trilogy. Apparently film has been remastered because the last blu-ray release of it was quite poor, the transfer wasn’t a real high def transfer and it showed. I haven’t seen this new release but hopefully it’s a step up. That said having watched the movie several hundred times I look forward to seeing it again.