daily-aggregation-21. ENJOYING THE WARMTH AND SUNSHINE? DON’T GET USED TO IT Drearier days are in-bound for the weekend.

2. PROTEST AT THE YOO OF ESS Students rally against administrative shenanigans and hare-brained cost-cutting schemes. This is national news, by the way.

3. MURRAY MANDRYK ON THE SASK PARTY’S FILM FUNDING “HYPOCRISY” Pretty good column right here. Probably half my Facebook friends have shared it at this point. I think this is my favourite quote from it:

Sadly, it appears the government’s only true interest in this cultural phenomenon — and the industry from which it came — is the self-interest of avoiding embarrassment. Wanting to avoid the embarrassment of the movie possibly being filmed in Manitoba or Alberta, where there are film tax credits, it’s quite evident Wall and company threw whatever was needed at the Corner Gas producers to ensure their movie stayed home in Rouleau.

More reaction to the Corner Gas announcement here.

4. THIS TROUBLED WORLD More mayhem in Nigeria, Palestinian youth protest Israeli detentions in Gaza City, what the Guardian calls the “far left” gets a big boost in Eurozone elections thanks to unpopular austerity measures, look forward to a future of unemployment for Earth’s young people, there’s a bus strike in Brazil and the Toronto Star has a cavalcade of engineering screw-ups in honour of France’s $74.5 million rail engineering oopsies.

5. ONE JIM TO RULE ALBERTA Former Harper government cabinet minister Jim Prentice launches his bid for the leadership of Alberta’s leaderless Progressive Conservative party.

6. RCMP CONTACT PAMELA ANDERSON OVER RAPE ALLEGATIONS The celebrity sex symbol told a crowd of animal welfare supporters that she’d been raped and molested as a child. Authorities are interested and would like to learn more.


8. SAME SEX MARRIAGE AND U.S. Support is at an all-time high in America. Nyah nyah, haters.


VIDEO: THE BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN MOVIE HAS A DUMB NAME It’s called Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice. Which is totally a better name than just Batman Vs. Superman, or, I don’t know, World’s Finest. God forbid a movie’s title should actually mean something.