1. THEY’S TAKIN’ OUR JAAAAWBS! CBC reports that the Weyburn restaurant Brothers Classic Grill and Pizza fired its staff and brought in a bunch of temporary foreign workers. If the program’s effect is to suppress wages across the economy (and it sure looks like it is), maybe it’s time to shut it down. Plus it’s ridiculous to bring immigrants to Canada and not give them a path to citizenship.
2. “MORE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE GETTING FED UP WITH THE STATUS QUO.” Protesters across the country demonstrated against marijuana prohibition yesterday. Here’s a story on the local rally. Hey, did you read our epic 420 feature? Right here.
3. DON’T LIKE THE ANSWERS? STOP ASKING THE QUESTIONS! The Conservatives remain really bad at dealing with information they don’t like. The problem this time? Their Canada’s Economic Action Plan propaganda advertising.
4. NEWFOUNDLAND’S LIKELY NEXT PREMIER IS ANTI-CHOICE Yuh huh. Take a wild guess what political party Frank Coleman belongs to. Go on.
5. WHY CAN’T WE HAVE NICE THINGS IN REGINA? Because developers think bricks create socialism, is my theory. Anyway, a group of young architects who will soon have their spirits broken by the awfulness and lack of imagination of Regina’s powers-that-be have a great suggestion for the Traveller’s Building. Here’s the L-P story, and here’s their blog.
7. SYRIANS WILL HEAD TO THE POLLS ON JUNE 3 And I’m sure it will be a totally legitimate election. After all, the current Syrian regime has proven itself responsible, competent and committed to the well-being of Syrians.
8. UKRAINE: BREAKING TREATIES? Russia says it is. And we all know Russia is a credible nation.
10. MEB KEFLEZIGHI WON THE BOSTON MARATHON AND ALONG THE WAY HE WON OUR HEARTS I’m not sure that last part is true. Then again, how could Meb Keflezighi not win our hearts? Anyway, story here.
I SAID MEERKATS! MEEEEEERKAAAAATS!!! I want to lie on the ground and be swarmed by them and die in perfect bliss, and after watching Will Burrad-Lucas’ video you will want that too.