This is a joint project undertaken by the Regina and Saskatoon Public Libraries. In March in both cities, a series of workshops were held at different library branches where kids age 12-18 could learn some basic filmmaking skills. The kids were then set to work crafting trailers for their favourite books akin to what Hollywood studios do to promote movies they release.
An awards ceremony was held last Monday, and tonight there’s a public screening of all the book trailers. The screening is at the RPL Film Theatre and will start at 7 p.m.
I couldn’t find a promo image for this event, so I decided to use a shot of some work by filmmaker Richard Kerr. He used to teach at the University of Regina in the 1990s before moving to Concordia University in Montreal. While in Regina he started working with trailers from Hollywood movies. He didn’t screen them, but instead wove them into patterns set inside light boxes as a way of subverting the marketing imperative of trailers and the role they play in commercial cinema.