Tonight’s installment of the ongoing lecture series that’s being presented by the University of Regina’s Faculty of Arts and Fine Arts to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I features two presentations. In the first, music professor Pauline Minevich will discuss how the Great War marked a turning point in music; while in the second historian Ian Germani will discuss the horrific toll that the war took on the lives of soldiers.
The lectures will be held at the John Archer Library at the University of Regina starting at 7 p.m. For more information call 306-585-4213. To close, I tried to dig up the trailer for the 1983 Genie Award-winning film The Wars which is based on a 1977 novel by Timothy Findley but I didn’t have any luck on YouTube. So here’s the trailer for the 2008 Canadian film Passchendaele which was written and directed by Paul Gross: