Gwynne DyerEvery year the Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation hosts a ceremony to honour local citizens for efforts they’ve made to promote social justice and development in distant corners of the world. The awards, which are held as part of International Development Week, will be at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum tomorrow night at 7 p.m. Being hounoured are Florence Stratton, Bev Maxim, Lori Latta, and members of Stop UR Deportations. You can find out more information on the 2014 honourees here.

Also being held as part of International Development Week is a lecture Friday night at the University of Regina by international affairs columnist Gwynne Dyer. If you’re a regular reader of Prairie Dog you’ll have had ample opportunity to read Dyer’s insights into various geo-political crises and calamities that unfold with regularity on our planet. Typically, Dyer goes beyond the sound-bite journalism practiced by corporate media to ask tough questions about the root causes of these conflicts.

On Friday, he’ll be speaking on “The Triumph of Non-Violence” as it relates to the 2011 Arab Spring and other peaceful protests that have occurred since then. The talk goes at the Education Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.