1. SGI APPLIES TO RAISE INSURANCE RATES The crown company wants a 5.2 per cent increase. But what happens when the increase gets to 100 per cent? Huh? What then? Do they really think drivers will pay 100 per cent of their money to the crown? I don’t THINK so.
2. MORE ON YESTERDAY’S CASINO FIGHT Here’s the StarPhoenix’s Joe Couture’s story, and, if you missed it, here’s some nonsense I wrote. Meanwhile, FSIN Chief Perry Bellegarde isn’t giving up on the idea. I dunno, I kinda want to hear more about it too.
3. BABY BORN TO BRAIN-DEAD MOM Can’t imagine what this experience would do to the father. Cheers to him, R.I.P. to the poor mom.
4. OUR CRUMBLING HERITAGE Parks Canada properties are in rough shape, according to an independent consultant’s report. In fact, 47 per cent of all Parks Canada assets are in “poor or very poor” condition. This is what austerity, small government and low taxes (for the wealthy) look like. How do you like it? Proud to be Canadian?
5. R.I.P. SHIRLEY TEMPLE Here’s an obituary. We should all have a drink in her honour.
6. 48 HOURS LATER, AN NFL DRAFT PROSPECT IS STILL GAY World continues to still turn. Still massively annoyed that the NHL doesn’t have an out gay player, and only partly because I wanna see what Tim Thomas would post on his Facebook page about it.
7. TUESDAY NOON-ISH MEDAL COUNT Oh noes! We’re number two!
8. HIPSTER BEER! Hmm, I can hear John Cameron saying “good body drunk” in my head…