If you purchase this original artwork, Seattle will crush Denver at the 2014 Superbowl. (If you’re a Broncos fan, buy this drawing and burn it, and then Denver will definitely win.)
As I hope you guys know (and appreciate), Prairie Dog and Planet S commission and print more original art than any other Saskatchewan publication. Every issue of the ‘Dog has drawings and comics by Dakota McFadzean and Myron Campbell — both incredible and hardworking Saskatchewan-born talents we’re honoured to regularly work with.
You might not, however, be aware that Dakota sells his original art. He does! And it’s affordable! The image above, for example — which ran in this issue’s Bonus Column — can be had for a mere $60, including shipping! That’s peanuts!
Click here for more details. Then buy it, frame it and hang it in your home. Congratulations! You’ve just supported a great artist and more importantly, you own dome great art! You are now supercool!