tw0501Maureen Eckstein

Eagle-eyed readers might have noticed that we misspelled the word “health” as “heath” on last issue’s cover. This is uproariously funny for two reasons. First, last issue was the debut of our new, annual 420 marijuana feature, so a stoner-type typo seems appropriate. Second, we have an employee in our company who’s actually named “Heath”, and the idea that we’d run a story about our co-worker’s weed habits is HILARIOUS. Unless you’re Heath, I guess.

Anyhoo, eagle-eyed reader Maureen Eckstein spotted the typo and won $10 and a Typo Wiener T-shirt. Maureen is a retired teacher and government worker, and a current progressive activist involved in issues such as public ownership of water, public transit and the peace movement, and many others (hey, it’s a troubled world). She’s a proud Ward 3 constituent and a supporter of her progressive city councillor, Shawn Fraser. She’ll donate her $10 prize to the Relay for Life cancer event.

Congratulations, Maureen!

HELP US WEED OUT ERRORS Spot a typo in this issue and e-mail the details to (write TYPO in the subject field). Please include the page it was on, and the article and sentence it was in. Typos include misspelled words (including names), garbled grammar and general gibberish. Factual errors don’t count but formatting mistakes do. To be eligible, typos must be in editorial content such as articles, listings, headlines and photo cutlines. Next deadline is Wednesday, May 7 at noon. The winner (who will be notified by e-mail) must be available to come to our office on the Scarth Street pedestrian mall Friday, May 7 to collect their prize and pose for a picture. Good luck!
