Last issue we printed the title of the 1990 Christian Slater film Pump Up The Volume as “Pump Of The Volume”. Oops. Fortunately, laser-eyed Wiener Janielle Ogilvie spotted the error. She wins $10 and a Typo Wiener T-shirt. Thank goodness something good came of this tragedy.

Janielle is a University of Regina student who plans to apply to journalism school. She’s also interested in travelling and is a future Prairie Dog long-distance subscriber. Don’t tell her we’ve got a free website.

She thinks ’90s Christian Slater is “young and handsome.” I wonder if she knows he’ll be in Lars Von Trier’s upcoming Nymphomaniac films.

There’s an excellent chance she’ll spend her prize money on pizza. Congratulations, Janielle!


MY FAVOURITE CHRISTIAN SLATER FILM IS STAR TREK 6  Spot a typo in this issue and e-mail the deets to (write TYPO in the subject field). Please include the page it was on and the article and sentence it was in. Typos include misspelled words (including names), garbled grammar and general gibberish. Factual errors don’t count but formatting mistakes do. To be eligible, typos must be in editorial content (including headlines and photo cutlines). Next deadline is Wednesday, Jan. 29 at noon. The Wiener (who will be notified by e-mail) must be available to come to our office on the Scarth Street pedestrian mall Friday, Jan. 31 to collect their prize and pose for a picture. Good luck!
