It’s Thursday, the magical weekday when new issues of Prairie Dog come out! And today there’s an extra good one! Yessir/ma’am, it’s our Best Of Regina edition, where we profile our readers’ picks for the city’s best people, events, media, shops, activities and more! Upstanding citizens like Amy, Eoin, Louisa and Betsy (pictured!) are already enjoying the new PD. You should pick up a free copy and enjoy it too! It’s available at 400 locations city-wide.
So what’s in this one? Glad you asked! There’s so much great stuff! Such as:
THE BEST OF REGINA The annual reader poll ran over 20,000 words, which is probably the biggest we’ve ever gone. We definitely had the strongest voter turnout. Also, John Gormley wrote something in it. Yup, really. Read the whole damn thing here.
THE UNOFFICIAL GREY CUP MANUAL Hey, it’s an unsanctioned, not-endorsed-by-the-CFL guide to the excitement and events of Grey Cup week! Fun! Highly recommended for football fans and other humans. Also, a gynecologist answers questions about Regina!
A REGULAR ISSUE OF PRAIRIE DOG ON TOP OF ALL THAT! Read all about the Sherwood Accord, the Caraway Grill, Mars, the dark side of Disneyland, Pandacorn, beer from Manchester, Rob Ford, Rob Ford and more Rob Ford! And much, much, much more!
So that’s the new, 52-page edition of Prairie Dog! I think it’s a special one and you will too. Unless you’re Rob Ford.
*Well, every second Thursday. Because we publish bi-weekly.