
Do you love movies? Do you like watching TV? Did you know that, in the time between shooting your favourite television show and it winding up on screen, every shot you see has gone through a careful selection process? When it’s done well, a lot of thought goes into the arrangement of shots that go on to form the body of a scene, the arc of a story, and finally the entirety of what you’re watching. Ask any director worth their salt, and they’ll tell you that the story comes together in the edit suite. Martin Scorsese, Steven Soderbergh, and Quentin Tarantino have all sworn allegiances to their editors; their partners in storytelling. But, while the editor has a lot of influence over what we watch, we seldom get the chance to hear from them.

Tonight at Artesian on 13th, the University of Regina Department of Film presents a rare opportunity to enter the mind of Gemini award winning editor, Jackie Dzuba. Inside The Edit Suite will feature a live conversation with Jackie Dzuba and UofR Department of Film head Mark Wihak.

Dzuba has lent her craft to award winning feature films, documentaries, and television. Her work has been featured in The Englishman’s Boy, Prairie Giant, and Corner Gas. Tonight’s presentation is part of the UofR’s celebration of these contributions to Dzuba’s craft and industry, as she receives the Department of Film’s 2013 Distinguished Alumni Award.

Tonight, 8pm at Artesian: 2627 13th Ave, Free Admission