Press Kit (beer-life of chai)

Beer so good that its name could almost be the title of an award-winning book.

All right, Big Rock, so you think you can just drop off two cases of beer and get free publicity out of me? Do you? Well, you’re right — you can. And so:

According to the company’s press release: “Life Of Chai is a complex yet whimsical blend of nine heavenly spices atop a quartet or superlative malts and a perfectly balanced mix of Galena and Willimette hops. Brewmaster Paul wanted each spice to have its say: the smoky, cool cardamom, the sultry yet approachable rose petals, the plucky poke of ginger.”

Between this and Big Rock’s last press kit, Prairie Dog has some serious beer sampling ahead of it. One of our diligent writers will report back on our first hand experiences with these beers soon-ish. Probably. In the meantime, for more information about Life Of Chai, visit Big Rock’s website.