This new film series is a collaboration between the Dunlop Art Gallery and RPL Film Theatre. What it involves is an artist or curator selecting a film to screen at the RPL Theatre that they consider important to their practice. They introduce the film, and in the process explore the relationship between visual art and film.
Tonight at 9 p.m. Blair Fornwald, who curated the exhibition Z’otz* Collective: The Substitutes and the Absence which opens at the gallery on Sept. 6 at 7 p.m., will introduce the film The Holy Mountain. It’s a 1973 Mexican American drama with a decidedly surrealist edge that delves into the themes of alchemy and transformation.
The next film in the series, The Boondock Saints, will screen at the RPL Theatre on Oct. 23 at 9 p.m. It will be introduced by artist Clint Neufeld who is scheduled to have a show of light boxes at the Dunlop’s Sherwood Village location from Oct. 26-Jan. 12.
To close, here’s the trailer for The Boondock Saints: