Abex AwardsTo celebrate the 30th anniversary of the ABEX (Achievement In Business Excellence) Awards the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce is seeking tenders for the creation of a unique song celebrating business excellence in Saskatchewan. The deadline to submit a proposal is Sept. 16, and the song must be done by Oct. 1. The winning bidder must also be able to appear at the ABEX Awards, which will be held this year in Saskatoon at TCU Place on Oct. 26, to perform the song live.

According to Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce guidelines, the song should be between three and 3.5 minutes long and incorporate as thematic elements subjects like: growth, celebration of excellence, achievements, diversity, service, business, private sector, community involvement, etc. In return for composing, recording and performing the song, the successful bidder will receive $1500. The contractor will also retain ownership of the song.

Musicians wishing to submit a bid should forward their proposal, along with a song outline, to the following email address [cwright@saskchamber.com] no later than Sept. 16 at 2 p.m.