1 IS THE U.S. ABOUT TO ATTACK SYRIA? Kinda sounds like it. I’d prefer a diplomatic solution to removing Syria’s evil regime, personally. More here and here. Oh! And Canada has been notified.
3 CREDIT UNIONS UNDER A-TAX Ha ha, I made a pun. Anyway, the federal Conservatives changed the rules for credit unions this year and it sounds like they’re getting creamed. This government has a very weak understanding of how a diverse economy works. Pretty much all they know how to do is sell non-renewable resources.
4 RAY BOUGHEN WON’T SEEK A THIRD TERM Best wishes to the retiring Conservative MP. I’ve consistently heard he’s a nice man, though obviously his taste in political parties was terrrrrible.
5 THE WASHINGTON POST EDITORIAL BOARD HAS CAUGHT UP TO OPINIONS I HAD 30 YEARS AGO WHEN I WAS A TEENAGER”…a draft leaked to reporters last week indicates that, for most people, the report will serve as another stern warning about the risks of continuing to pump carbon dioxide into the air.” No duh. Sadly, they still print garbage like this by Charles “global temperatures have been flat for 16 years”* Krauthammer.
*No they haven’t. Krauthammer’s using a common distortion used by armchair skeptics who, in our view criminally, spread misinformation about climate change. This goes to the fact that 1998 used to be a record setting year for global temperatures. If you start counting from there, as Krauthammer more or less is, it’s going to look like there’s no long-term temperature increase on our planet. Of course if you look at the last 100-plus years, you’ll get a VERY different picture. It’s easy to make your lies look like facts when you cherry pick the parameters of your data.
Here’s an example that might be easier for the global warming denying stumps to understand: did you know that Montreal Canadiens LW Brandon Prust is a point-per-game forward? It’s true! In four games from March 2, 2013 to March 7, 2013 he scored four points. You can’t argue with my facts! And we’ll just ignore the fact that his season totals were 14 points in 38 games. Derp derp derp.
Anyway, publishing demonstrable bullshit for any reason other than pure entertainment value is malpractice, and media outlets need to knock it off.
6 ANOTHER SENATOR RESIGNS This one liberal. The NDP, meanwhile, has had enough of this Senate malarkey.
YO-YO TRICKS! Why not. Via Kottke.