6-in-the-morning1 PAUL McCARTNEY: APPARENTLY REEEEALLY GOOD The Winnipeg Free Press reviews last night’s show. He’s here tomorrow. As always, meat is not on the menu.

2 LICENSE SUSPENDED The Canadian Transportation agency has suspended Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway’s licence to operate in Canada. The railway operated the train that exploded in Lac-Megantic, Quebec on July 6. MMA filed for bankruptcy last week.

3 WALLIN NEWS AT NOON The Senate committee that’sreviewing an audit of Senator Pamela Wallin’s expense claims will release the audit and it’s amendments/recommendations/whatever around 12:00 today. Wallin says she’s prepared to repay whatever it is determined that she owes even though this is obvs. not fair. Also, Senator David Tkachuk says he never told Wallin to change her calendar information.

4 FIGHTING BIKE THIEVES The StarPhoenix has a good story. Bike theft is a crime against civilization and the environment.

5 MARCH OF THE PAYWALLS The Toronto Star is getting one. Are the halcyon days of news aggregation coming to an end? More importantly, can I buy on freaking package for $25/month that’ll give me access to all of Canada’s daily papers? If we’re going to start charging for the Internet we’re going to need a system that actually works.

6 NUTBAR RUSSIA’S OVER-THE-TOP HOMOPHOBIA IS GONNA GET A LOT OF LGBT PEOPLE KILLED A Russian state TV host says that gay people’s organs should be burned rather than used in life saving transplants. This is the kind of hate-mongering that leads to genocides. No wonder there’s a growing movement to strip Sochi of the Olympics.

BREAKING TREK A great monologue from Breaking Bad’s season premiere gets animated and it is eeeeexcellent.
